Love and passion became music when we started playing together in a youth club in Cologne Mülheim. We had never dreamt that our vibes would reach out to thousands of hearts. But it wouldn‘t take long that our sound left Chaski’s bedroom. From passing small youth club stages all the way over to shows at antiracist marchest or big stages like the open-air festivals “Summerjam”. In 2016 we presented our first single „One Drop” which made our sound go international, due to its release on the platform “Reggaeville”.
The band of eight seems like a little orchestra, taking you on a journey and showing you their roots. They move with ease and an energy on stage that thrills you and outshines everything. This is what you can expect from a Memoria concert. Their lyrics, influenced by the Latin American diaspora, deal with topics like inequality, corruption and longing but also the joy of life and love. Last year they went on tour to Caribbean Barbados. With new music, experience and a new show Memoria is now ready for 2020.